Mother's Day, Our Way

Some say that holidays are Hallmark creations designed to spur business. Whatever the origins, I think it's fair to say that celebrations have a way of becoming our own in time. What began as Pagan rituals performed to ensure the return of Spring have become modern day Christmas. Which, by the way, I don't consider an evolution for the better - from dancing in furs around a fire, blackened with charcoal to circling parking lots for half an hour looking for a space...
Anja and I started a Mother's Day tradition for our first. I put my chubby cheeked baby into her buggy and off we went, dressed to the nines. It started to rain so we dipped into some of the stores in Union Square and started shopping (I'm not a shopper, but it was a day to treat ourselves). Anja got some little summer things, and Mommy, new shoes. I gave myself a make-over at MAC while the counter-ladies played with Bebe.
We ended our beautiful outting at the top of Macy's with a late lunch. I had a large rare steak and a dirty Martini. We smiled at one another. It was one of the best days that I can remember. After that, we buggied up and down the hills of downtown toward home.
This year, we decided to do it again. We dressed up like China dolls. When I did my hair, Anja wanted to do hers. When I put on my make-up, she wanted to sit in front of the mirror and do the same. We went downtown to soak up the sights, sounds and share the hot afternoon with all of the other Mothers with their families. Anja got some new books, a pair of sunglasses that she picked out herself and a nice big straw hat. We had a great time and saw many, many things. By days' end, my little baby was slumped in her stroller, no doubt dreaming of ChinaTown and all of the wonderful people who we had met. [Click here for a short video clip of us on Mother's Day]
Other Ways of Saying "I love you Mom!"
From Sons, with Love
Mother's Day on Acid
Oh, I remember the day I bought those little pajamas in China Town for Bebe. She's perfect!!!
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