September 28, 2006

Technical Difficulties and Crackers in Bed

One loyal following Anja has! Lucky girl. Everyone let me know that there were problems with the embedded videos lately. I'd changed Anja's YouTube videos from public to private. YouTube has become wildly popular and I wanted to keep the videos for family/friend viewings. Somehow I didn't make the connection that it would affect these videos. I love parusing the Brag with ready-videos as much as you. Enjoy.

See what happened this afternoon when Mommy took her watch off of Anja just long enough. (It was a rosy ring around the tub, I'll say).

This morning after I left for work, Daddy was asked if he would read to her. "Reeeeead? Pweeeeeze??" she'll say shoving the book toward you. Into bed they snuggled where Daddy read her book after book after book. The warm bed and serene pictures had Dad snoozing in no time. But Anja wasn't done reading. She thought it would be nice to get into the cabinets, fetch some crackers and wiggle back into bed with her books. Who knows how much time passed, but when Daddy woke up they were both covered in crackers. This is the version of the story I heard.

Technically speaking...

In case you hadn't ever heard me dreaming aloud, someday I want to homestead in the mediterranean with one cow, one goat and a large windmill. Low tech, better yet no tech, is great by me! Don't get me wrong; I love cities with their forests of buildings, and the action. Yes. There isn't generally much action where you can own a cow, but that's why you hop a train to Istanbul or flight to Spain or (...I think the dishes are calling). Until then, did anyone catch Project last night?? I taped it in case you missed!

September 22, 2006

Zen Lunch

Better than watching a tank full of exotic fish swimming about.

September 13, 2006

Streams of Light

Last week was fun. New teeth arriving. However a few mornings ago, after many rocky days & nights, Anja woke up in a fabulous mood. "Hello!" she called from her crib for one of us to come get her. Not only was she laughing, playing and being deliberately funny, but she woke up... smarter than the day before.

I'm not making this up! Anja was speaking sentences, with a plethora of new words to boot. Obscure words.

Watching her from day to day is living with constant surprises. This is good for a person. Toddlers don't get into ruts or boring routines. They are always moving forward, "on the verge", and you can't help but go with them.

Victim of the Project

Project Runway is feeding my addiction. One closet fashion victim who has nearly deprived herself of TV for a decade falls RIGHT off the wagon. It was inevitable.

Now that my admission has been published, can anyone tell me why it's impossible to stop watching? I'm not the only one. Will it be Michael? Or Laura (yeah Laura!)?? I have to go now. I'm sure there's a re-run I'm missing...