December 29, 2006

Anja Eats the House

Another peek into Anja's Christmas world. More before too long...


December 25, 2006


Watching our baby opening her gifts this morning was amazing ... I don't know who was most excited! Enjoy a little for yourself.

The day was wonderful. We spent a family day together, exchanging a few gifts, playing and getting ready for Christmas dinner. Friends came and went throughout the day, including a few surprise visits. Some of the party took Anja for a stroll to the beach for castle-building, gymnastics and football. She was very happy. And she held up well without her nap, but an early bedtime seemed in order. As I held Anja while she drifted off, another friend arrived. When she heard voices, her eyes shot open. "Friends! Let's go say Hello! Come on Mommy..." She jumped up and out to see who was here. She was delighted to be clinking sippy-cup to glasses once more, each time saying, "Cheers!". We are so fortunate to have her.

We are also fortunate to have you... Merry Christmas. We hope yours was beautiful.

December 24, 2006

Oh Christmas Eve...

Before I go on, I owe everyone a Halloween video. The idea was to make a skunk out of my Stinky. (Mommy sewed her *** off, right up to twilight on Halloween. I was out of time to attach the silky white stripes for a real skunk - however, as you'll see, it's big enough for next year. She thought she was a bear and seemed excited nonetheless).

12.20.06, portrait by Daddy

So here we are, second year at the beach. As Anja lay sleeping at naptime I took a moment on the porch to listen to waves crashing. And to ponder Christmas, tomorrow. Barry said he thought we had another year before having to "turn on the whole Christmas machine" for Anja. Perhaps by yesterday's children that would have been so. Anja knows what is all around her.

This morning she jumped out of bed and came stumbling across Rick and I (who were still sleeping) exclaiming, "Come on, Mommy! Come on, Daddy!!". She disappeared into another room. Quiet. Quiet is always followed by unpleasant discoveries for us. She came back with a large gift in her arms, wrapped in red and topped with bows. I had just closed my eyes again and, "PWEH-SENTS for ANJA!! ... Open, open! Oooh look!! ..." (and so forth). "That's for tomorrow Anja," said Daddy and she was clearly disappointed from the look on her face. At the same time it only built up our anticipation of watching her tear into her gifts tomorrow. What a memorable day it will be for her!

I have to cut this short... I'm busily getting last minute Christmas machinery going for a beautiful and very charming young girl.

Merry Christmas with love to you all!!!

Give It Up!

Props to the up & coming Artist that is my 13 year old nephew Corey Higgins. View a few of his works and return from time to time. Prepare to be astounded.

Another Artist, whose works evaporate before art dealers can swindle him out of them is Albert Reyes, aka "Spit Artist".

December 02, 2006

Hello? Is there anybody in there?

[We're back! And yes, we were down. We can't upload photos now, but hopefully we will be back on the horse again soon. Luckily, Sandra (Anja's Saturday caregiver) took lots of photos one recent sunny afternoon on a walk. Enjoy them... ]

In life, months might not seem significant for adults. Now we understand why parents address their children by age in months. In weeks, days even, everything can change. One year ago, Anja began using sign-language. This so empowered and excited her that her ability to express herself has been snow-balling ever since. Her facial gestures are wild. Today she stopped bouncing on my bed and said, "Watch this Mama...". She blinked one eye at me. A few weeks ago while getting her diaper changed at daycare, she looked at the smiling young Russian woman and asked, "Are you tired?". Anja asks lots of questions now. "What happened?!", "What are you doing?", "Can I help?" and "Do you hear that?". One day while rewinding a video for her (with the images trailing backwards), she started laughing. "Oh-my-gawd-look that's funny!!"

Sometimes I wonder what her earliest memories will be. I wonder if she'll remember the mornings that we play together with sun streaming through the windows. Or beach days with Daddy, filling his shirt with rocks, being carried home on his shoulders. From all signs, her memory is impressive (children should be rocket scientists). Someday we'll get to find that out.

Here's Anja...