March 03, 2007

Independent Days

While acquaintances extend sympathy for all the "terrible" difficulties of late, they don't see the entire picture. There are tiny diamonds in the rough. When Anja returns the unconditional affection she's learned and attempts to communicate her love for us, we're on air. Even when she's pouting, saying "dat's mine" and "nooo, I don't want to eat that...", this shows that her little brain is growing. Having a difficult human being in our daily lives is a part of 'Family'. She is our family, though challenging, tiring and equally, loving. This is what gets us through with smiles on our faces.

Before Anja we had strong relationships with our family of friends. We don't see them much, very unfortunately. What has blown us away in recent months is how Anja, entirely on her own, has developed a circle of friends from 18 mos to 65+.
A few weeks ago, we were bopping around the Sunset district. (Her friend & sitter Sandra takes her all over town where she meets people). Everyone knew Anja and called her by name! The folks at Yummy House, the coffee baristas across the street and even passers-by stopped to greet her. Amazing. Here's a glipse of what Snowbebe, who isn't bebe anymore, has been up to...

Above: Hailey, age 4
Left: Sandra
Right: Lunch with Sean at the Park Chalet
Bottom: Off to the beach with Daddy


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