Who Won The Debate?
Two of the scariest economic weeks in our history since The Great Depression have just passed. Colleagues and friends watched their nest eggs plummet before their eyes after having been the responsible ones.
Our President hasn't the slightest notion what to do, but I'm certain the Bush family isn't overly concerned. They're set for life on the ranch.
Jim Lehrer, moderator for last night's first debate between John McCain and Barack Obama, was diligent and emphatic that the next President will inherit a desperate economic environment, possibly spelling the worst. Neither candidate's responses were clear or specific enough for me. Suffice to say I can only vote against what has not been working.
Next Thursday 10/2/08 the debate between Joseph Biden and Sarah Palin will take place in St. Louis. This should make for great entertainment. We could use some humor about now.
Who is Sarah Palin? So far, what I know is that until last year, she'd never traveled outside of North America. Her budget cuts included a measure which bills victims for their own rape kits. She's never had to return to work from maternity and pump breast milk in the lady's restroom. She and her husband have been spending tens of thousands in public funds for personal use. She said that our national leaders are "sending [our armed forces] out on a mission that is from God". She appeals mostly to white women. Could our core values as women be undergoing a historic and divisive split? Sometimes I think I have more in common with women in Sudan than in conservative circles in America. What happened to standing by one another?
I expect a lot from women in Leadership. Sadly, Sarah Palin will prove the critics correct; she does not have what it takes to be Vice President. She will create a barrier for women who want the position in years to come, as well as to set the cause of Feminism back.
Five weeks from now I'll be casting my vote for the lives of two women, not one.