July 27, 2006

Time for Summer

A few months back, I was having a (sober) conversation about the relativity of Time with a friend's father. Okay, one of us was sober. We didn't agree on all points, but did agree that time appears to be speeding up as you get older. Real or imagined? I pressed that it's perception. He insisted that it's a physical reality. "What is the longest year that you can remember?" he asked. "The summer before I started Kindergarten?" I said. "See?" he replied.

I'm not a Physicist. Not even close. Could that be possible? Sometimes it feels that way. "Dad", my friend said placing a hand on his shoulder, encouraging him toward the door. "I'm sorry. He does this every time". It was good conversation and I continue to revisit this idea...

[Now, what has any of this got to do with ANJA and her brag-blog? Nothing that doesn't tie back into the bebe somehow, right? Relevance, relevance!] After my reunion, a milestone "real or imagined", the grey hairs have quadrupled. For Anja, time must be moving very slowly. When I was a child, I couldn't wait to grow up. I thought it would take forever and by golly it did.

I hope her summer is long and full of happy memories. Time does seem to stop when we're on the beach together.


Blogger Autumn Chaos said...

I have a theory about this...when you're 4 years old, 2 years is HALF YOUR LIFE! Everything is relative, you know? The older you get, the less a year is in the scheme of your life. A year is merely a few months strung together. So, I would agree that is perception.

Love, your sista

3/8/06 11:00  

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