Blue Two's

Typical mornings used to go like this - baby calls "Wick!" [Rick] or "Momma!" from her crib, one of us fetches baby, brings her to bed for cuddling. Rick eventually gets up to make cappuccinos and breakfast. Singing, dancing with Anja to Sesame Street followed by an outing...
Sounds lovely, and it was.
This morning - waking, crying loudly. Is she in pain? No, just frustrated about everything and nothing. Being prevented from climbling a glass shelf causes a meltdown. She eats two bites of oatmeal from a spoon but decides it feels great if she puts her hands in the bowl. Even better smearing it on her face and into her hair! Baby goes into tub. Baby poops in tub. Newly clean baby eats 'washable' blue crayon and gets it eeeeeverywhere. Clean the baby. More meltdowns, not sure why. Anja goes into crib for nap but an hour later she's wide awake. She has removed her diaper, wet in her crib, no wonder she can't sleep. Lie baby down with bottle on couch, clean up her crib. Baby spits up milk and breakfast sausage, plays with it a bit, and...

Fast-forward to 6:30pm, still trying to get Anja to take a nap.
Finally she rests. The little girl who calls to me when she wakes looks so sweet. I pick her up and she puts her head on my shoulder, patting my back with her hand. "Hug me" she says. I hug and kiss her which makes her laugh. She tickles the cat and sings a song I haven't heard before. Oh my. I guess we'll get through it.
Coincidental photos: 5 mos and 18 mos.
Dancing With Myself
Anja loves the harmonica Daddy gave her. She gets a sparky expression and dances involuntarily. A rocker. We knew it.
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